If you happen to live in Oregon, and especially if you are in Multnomah County or nearby, you might want to take advantage of a great service offered by the local library system: free weekly music downloads.
With a Multnomah County library card, or a card from a library system with reciprocal privileges such as Clark or Washington Counties, you can download up to 3 free music files (unprotected MP3) per week. There are more than half a million tunes to choose from, covering everything from contemporary rock, to Broadway, to pop music oldies. It’s basically the entire Sony Music digital download catalog, encompassing more than 50 labels (Columbia, Epic, Sony Masterworks etc.).
The service is called Freegal. It’s a sweet idea, and a valuable service… wish more libraries would jump on board.
Do you know of any other library systems offering a similar service? Please comment below!