Cycling ’74 demonstrated radiaL 1.0 at the Winter NAMM show. radiaL is an extensible loop-based composition and performance tool designed for Macintosh users looking to explode the boundaries between live performance, sound design, and composition.
radiaL is not simply another loop sequencer for real-time tinkering with tempo and pitch on multiple loops. radiaL is a loop-based performance software with a beautiful and unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live.
The program is based on loop channels represented by circular displays, each with its own performable multi-filter and pitch shifting/time scaling. Almost every aspect of the system can configured for live performance, studio recording, or sound exploration, controlled from a variety of sources (control surfaces, MIDI, keyboard or mouse).
radiaL features complete multi-channel audio I/O support, audio and effects routing, and support for VST plug-ins. It supports all major audio file formats and I/O standards. As a bonus, you get a dozen VST plug-in effects from Cycling 74’s Pluggo collection, and a crucial tempo-synchronized filter/delay.
Key Features:
- Sample-accurate loops and syncing
- Support for AIFF, WAV, and MP3 files
- Dynamic interchange of loops and DSP effects
- Built-in library of external MIDI controller templates and the ability to add your own
- Insanely flexible audio routing and support for ASIO, ReWire, DirectConnect, and VST on OS 9 and CoreAudio on OS X
- Record direct to disk record on the fly
- A free library of loops
Price and Availability
radiaL has a suggested retail price of $249 and will be available for purchase or download from on January 31. An OS X version of radial will be released in Q2, and will be available as a free upgrade to all registered radiaL users.
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